Merci pour la newsletter de cette semaine!

J’ai même fait un croissant quand j’essaie de conjuguer « croire » comme ils croissent 😂

Bonne journée!

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I love this newsletter and the photos of you! Had no idea you were here in NYC at such a young age! How brave! The hardest part of the newsletter and learning is how slow I am trying to translate on my own. Each group of sentences takes me forever to try to figure out myself and I appreciate the translation to help check my understanding. Love you so much and love your kindness in helping others and sharing your experience and knowledge. 🫠❤️🫶

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Merci beaucoup

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If you like to rape carrots then I understand.

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I will take a picture of a tree looking at my shadow on a tree trunk admiring my hair and a thought to myself "in which direction is the wind 🌬️".

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Don't you worry..it is a rapier that you were referring to. I read books of all kinds. I like to read boring stuff like "Yeoman's". His is the Euro 💶 open source "underground" go to technical community. It's complicated readings. I only take [/or\] this and that.

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Oh great. I accidentally delete a text message. I have to start over again. Lord have mercy.

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By the way, I am a New Yorker because an unbeknown insect bit me somewhere on my ankles. It was like something weird motioning in and through my veins.

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If you must know, I have a cardigan (🎒 school) button-down sweater that I bought on 🎄🎁 as a festive gift to moi. A book nerd 🤓 Siamese cat.

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My waistline leaned up from just walking in New York. I didn't think to buy a belt.

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The best pizzeria I ate and dine-in in New York was this pizza called a margherita with basil. Whoever made that pizza for me was a true pizza lover. Mwah chin chin

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So it is very important that I find eightball book club. I don't even recall reading any of my classmates writing so this is the only opportunity to read others writing.

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A rarity book find and read. One softcover book available at the bookstore. I also had the opportunity to peer into an enclosed glass casing admiring a glass blowing vase.

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Mercy is having a pro henchman wack her head at the guillotine. Please also lookup Microsoft Audience Network.

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A book recommendation for you to read. Please read "Elizabeth I (the first), CEO", by author Axelrod (ax the rod). Off with their heads at the guillotine when Marie Antoinette was taken prisoner and had her head wacked by a henchman.

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